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Your Ultimate Guide to Granite Colours

‘Colour is my day-long obsession, joy and torment’. So wrote artist Claude Monet once upon a time. Here at HGH, we agree wholeheartedly with the first two statements. As for the torment? Well, only when faced with extended delivery times on popular colours, perhaps.

As you might have guessed, this blog is all about colour, granite colours. We are quizzed a lot on this subject. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of those most-asked questions and provide you with the answers! For more about our granite colours, you can also download our colour book.

Are there specific granite colours that are good for specific projects?

Not Really. Here’s the thing, there isn’t any right or wrong colour to use. Provided the material of choice has the qualities suitable for the application, the colour is totally down to you. Whether a memorial, landmark, or piece of public art, go with whatever fits your vision and gives you a good feeling. You can take look at our whole catalogue of colours.

What’s the best colour to use for intricate engraving and etching projects?

Dark granites work best for sandblast engravings and etchings. Black granites such as American Black, Jet Black, and Cambrian Black give the best contrast – while colours such as Brits/ Impala and Laurentian Green work well too.

What are the most popular granite colours

Jet Black by a long shot. And we get it, it’s dramatic and punchy and has a huge impact on any project. However, Cambrian Black is increasing in popularity. It is a beautiful dark black material that has more character than the standard Jet Black. After black, there is strong demand for colours such as Brits/ Impala, Indian Red, Laurentian Pink, Barre Grey, Stanstead Grey and Mt. Rose.

Do clients order a mix of colours or one dominant colour? 

It depends on the type of sale. For streetscape projects, most clients will choose one dominant colour. However, cemetery clients often choose a wide variety.

Is there a difference between the permanence  of different granite colours? 

Some. Not all. Blue and green granites tend to fade once exposed to the natural elements. Black also has a tendency to lighten up a bit. In summary, blue will remain blue, green will be green and black will be black, but the hue or tone may change slightly over time.

Are there any colours that need more restoration and clean-up? 

The colour itself doesn’t cause the granite to require more or less restoration, or clean-up over time. However, the location in which it’s installed definitely affects this. For example, granite installed in a shady, damp part of a cemetery or streetscape can be expected to develop moss or moisture staining on the surface much more quickly than a memorial installed in a bright open area of the same cemetery or street.

Will we ever see new colours in granite? 

As quarries expand and grow, we expect to see more variation and new colours over time, for sure.

Are there any new techniques that are creating new granite colours? 

There are not many new finishes or textures to be found in the industry. Granite has been around a long time! The colour we get is whatever Mother Nature has is store for us. We can’t do a lot to change that unless we use different finishes to create a variety of tones.

What are the granite trends to look out for?

We expect high demand for black granite to continue into the foreseeable future. For streetscape and architectural use, we expect to see more use of light colours, particularly light greys such as Barre Grey, Imperial Grey or Stanstead Grey. This is because of the stones’ high SRI (Solar reflective index) – meaning its light colour absorbs less heat than dark granites.

Which is your favourite granite colour? 

We love them all here at HGH but it definitely depends on the application. American Black or Cat’s Eye is stunning in a monument, but for streetscape projects Platinum Black and Cambrian Black pack a punch.

Are there any HGH projects that have a particularly dramatic use of colour? 

The Four Seasons Hotel project will always be one of our favourites. For obvious reasons!

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Did you know that we at HGH Granite have been providing granite services for the last 90 years? Our vision and business model have helped build a loyal customer base that relies on our expertise and quality workmanship. Over the years, our team has grown with like-minded individuals that share the same passion for providing outstanding granite products and services. Let us help build you your vision.

Did you know that we at HGH Granite have been providing granite services all over Ontario for the last 90 years?

Our vision and business model have helped build a loyal customer base that relies on our expertise and quality workmanship. Over the years, our team has grown with like-minded individuals that share the same passion for providing outstanding granite products and services. Let us help build you your vision.